News / Country initiative against bride kidnapping?

Country initiative against bride kidnapping?

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13 May, 2020 2 min read

By Nancy Kamal

In This Article:

Bride kidnapping has once again grabbed the attention of the Kyrgyz government, claiming that a few things will be put into place to combat Ala Kachuu on a national level.

“The Kyrgyz government is using TV, radio and visits to schools to fight bride-kidnapping…”

In November 2011 the country also attempted to bring attention to the issue by having an anti-bride kidnapping awareness week where news reports indicated that government officials were hugely concerned by the increasing numbers of forced and abusive marriages due to bride-kidnapping. However, thereafter there had been no reports on how successful that campaign was.

This time, however, the “…government has…established a national anti-bride-kidnapping office and telephone hotlines…” as well as a possible increase in imprisonment by 8-10 years, as opposed to the current 3 years. It does sound more promising, however, further reports may tell how seriously this will be tackled at a country level.

These are good signs in a way as they coincide with the Ala Kachuu project by Restless Beings; as it is only with a collaboration of NGOs, academics and government officials that the abolition of non-consensual bride kidnapping can come to life.

Stay tuned for more updates from the Ala Kachuu project and our awareness-raising campaigns in the UK and in Kyrgyzstan!

To read more:>

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